Friday 27 November 2020

November 30 - December 4

 shallow focus photo of red flowers on black quote boardThe First Week of Advent - HOPE

Here are the plans for the week:


  • Silent reading
  • Cursive writing/vocabulary
  • Christmas Podcast - start recording. You can record at home. Due Thursday, December 3
  • Continue with chapter 2 - Growing in Faith
  • Using the Bible to read the Lord's Prayer
  • The Lord's Prayer activities
  • Video - Hope
  • Silent reading
  • Cursive writing/vocabulary
  • Continue with Christmas Podcast
  • Advent Webquest
  • Introduce and start reading The Paper Bag Christmas
  • Silent reading - novel, Six Minutes podcast or The Paper Bag Christmas
  • Continue with Christmas Podcast - due tomorrow
  • Finish Advent Webquest
  • Continue with Chapter 2 - Growing in Faith

  • Silent reading - novel, Six Minutes podcast or The Paper Bag Christmas
  • Students will start listening to their peers Christmas Podcast
  • Advent Escape Room

  • Friday
    • Silent reading - novel, Six Minutes podcast or The Paper Bag Christmas
    • Continue listening to Christmas Podcasts
    • Boggle
    • Kindness Diaries

    January 11 - 15, 2021

    Find some time to get away from your screen. Here are the plans for this week (or so I hope!) I  will post on Jamboard at the beginning of e...